Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Wau:Malaysian Traditional Kite.

In Malaysia, another definition for "Layang-layang" is "Wau". Much was said about origin of the word "wau", while most reliable is that it derives from Thai vocabulary which means kites. 
"Wau"  enthusiasts however suggest that the word "Wau" originated from the sound derived from the "hammer" of the kite when in flight, forming sound of "wau,wau,wau" in rythmic pattern.
The main features of the "Wau" are mainly characterised by its head, wing and tail sections.
There are three types of traditional Malaysian Wau namely Wau Bulan, Wau Kucing and Wau JalaBudi.   Apart from this three mentioned, there are other types of wau proclaimed for a few of the penisular Malaysia states :

StateOfficial Wau
JohorWau Merak
KelantanWau Puyuh
MelakaWau Kikik
PahangWau Pungguk
PerakWau Seri Bulan
PerlisWau Helang
Pulau PinangWau Kotak
SelangorWau Kapal
TerengganuWau Dodo Helang
Negeri SembilanWau Seri Negeri
KedahWau Kangkang

1 comment:

  1. Please show your making process towards the assignment.
